2025 EE Ford Summer Teachers’ Colloquium Everyone loves the summer. It is a time for rest and relaxation, and educators need that in order to replenish the emotional resources required for teaching well. However, as good as the summer feels, there is another powerful and wonderful feeling that follows: the feeling of starting a school…
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What schools have sent teachers to the EE Ford Summer Teachers’ Colloquium? The answer is many and varied. The Colloquium isn’t just a great place to learn new things. It isn’t just for recharging your batteries, it also is a great way to get and stay connected with professionals from school communities around the country.
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A partial list of guest speakers and excursions from our courses. It is with great pleasure that we will partner with the vast quantity and quality of intellectual resources here in Santa Fe. Santa Fe is a center for mathematical and scientific inquiry as well as a hotbed of art and culture in a place…
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